New trends in email marketing design

Just like 19.9% of the respondents, the ADNETIS email marketing software uses both types of templates for newsletter designs that are “responsive” (mobile-friendly) and fluid hybrid designs.
Email marketing trends, like fluid hybrid design, are emerging. However, most marketing professionals still use responsive email templates, according to November 2015 research.
Email on Acid surveyed 3,500 US marketing professionals worldwide and asked them if they use a fluid hybrid design or responsive email templates.Fluid hybrid design, a new email marketing trend, reduces the reliance on the media queries typically required for responsive templates to help the email vendor faster and more consistently across different email clients. Only 7.9% of marketing professionals said they use fluid hybrid design. Many still just use responsive templates, indeed 56.9% of respondents said they do. Nearly 20% of marketing professionals said they use both.
The survey also found that 15.2% of marketing professionals said they used neither responsive templates, nor a fluid hybrid design.
Overall, fluid hybrid design is one of the leading email marketing trends for 2016, according to 19.4% of marketing professionals. Interactive features are another leading trend, 28.4% of respondents said so. And, 19.4% of marketing professionals said contextual relevance was.

Myriam Gosselin
Account manager
Want professional advice?
The management of a email marketing projet begins with a thorough knowledge of the email software. Working with ADNETIS for 10 years, she sure knows what she’s talking about !
Get more details on new trends in email marketing design by getting in touch with her right now! She will be able to assist you in the deployment of your email marketing campaign.
E : mgosselin@adnetis.com
P : 1-877-638-6584