Mobile statistics now available


We often mention the importance of designing your newsletters by considering the subscribers who open your emails on a mobile device. What better than to show you concretely who opens your emails in statistics.

After sending your newsletter, we invite you to immediately refer yourself to your newsletter statistics. At the bottom of the statistics page, you will find the “last 15 actions” made by your subscribers. In real-time, you will know who opens your marketing email.

Recently, we have fed this section of a statistic that allows you to know the device used by each of your subscribers who open your newsletter. In short, you are now able to know the importance of mobile user on your email marketing campaign.

When your marketing campaign is complete and that you don’t get as much opening, we invite you to click on “View details” or “Download” in this statistics section to see the complete opening statistics information. You will be able to establish the percentage of subscribers that use mobile device to view your newsletter. Quickly, you will realize that it’s now essential to have a mobile version adapted to the profile of your recipients.

How to change the layout of your mobile version?

When you create a newsletter, we strongly invite you to “preview” it and press the “Mobile” tab located in the upper left corner of your screen. You will then be able to view your creation as if you had received your email on a mobile device. If you are not satisfied with the display (alignment, layout of the “Drag & Drop” sections), you can organize your elements using the functions designed for this task.

Ghislain Bergeron

Data analyst

Want professional advice?

The management of database is no secret to this software developper specialist. Email delivery analysis comes easy with a 30 years experience in software development.

Get more details on mobile statistics by getting in touch with her right now! He will be able to offer you customized solutions to your business needs.

P: 1-877-638-6584